
Introducing PHP 8.2 Features

Introducing PHP 8.2 Features

PHP 8.2 version released and contains many language updates such as readonly classes, false true and null types, dynamic property deprecations and many more, see them in this article.




Readonly Classes 

PHP 8.2 includes the readonly classes feature and this is an update to the readonly properties feature in PHP 8.1. If you remember in PHP 8.1 the readonly properties which allow to set a property as readonly using the “readonly” keyword. 

The same concept applies on classes, when a class is marked as readonly then all properties of this class will be readonly as well.

readonly class Post
    public int $id;

    public string $title;

    public function __construct(int $id, string $title)
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->title = $title;

Here we mark the class as readonly by preceding the class name with the “readonly” keyword.

Create an instance of the class:

$post = new Post(20, "New Post");
echo $post->title;

By creating an instance we initialized the readonly properties as well. Now if we tried to set any property in this class like the title:

$post->title = "Updated Post";

It will show an error like so:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot modify readonly property Post::$title in ...

Because by logic readonly properties should be initialized once and any attempt to initialize it again it will trigger error.


Readonly class limitations

  • To apply the readonly keyword to a class, all properties of this class must have an explicit type. In the previous example if we omit the type from the $title property:
public $title;

This error will be triggered:

Fatal error: Readonly property Post::$title must have type in ...
  • Another limitation for static properties, static properties cannot be used in readonly classes:
readonly class Post

    public static int $userid;

Fatal error: Static property Post::$userid cannot be readonly in ...

Learn more about readonly propery here>>>


true, false, null as standalone types

Another feature in PHP 8.2 is allowing true, false and null as standalone types. In versions prior to PHP 8.2 there is a bool type used for (true, false) and the string|null for nullable type.

< PHP 8.2

function isNegative(): bool
    return false;

function isPositive(): bool
    return true;

function maybeNull(): string|null
    return null;

 PHP 8.2

function isNegative(): false
    return false;

function isPositive(): true
    return true;

function maybeNull(): null
    return null;

However the bool type is a generic type and can be true or false. So to use the new true/false types you have to be sure that the return type is what you expect, for example in the above function if we modify the function to return true it will trigger an error:

function isNegative(): false
    return true;       // invalid as the return type is false
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: isNegative(): Return value must be of type false, bool returned in ...


Constants in traits

Now in PHP 8.2 it’s possible to use a constant in trait and reference that constant in the class that uses the trait

trait WithError
    public const SUCCESS = 200;
    public const NOTFOUND = 404;

You can’t use the const directly from the trait eg:

var_dump(WithError::NOTFOUND);   // Invalid

Instead use it through a class:

class Post
    use WithError;

    public function save()
        // hide class specific code

        return self::SUCCESS;

var_dump(Post::NOTFOUND);         // 404

$post = new Post();
var_dump($post->save());          // 200


New random extension

As of PHP 8.2 most of the random generation functions will be moved to the new random extension in PHP 8.2. The “random” extension provides a new object-oriented API to random number generation. In addition to this a new class added \Random\Randomizer

$r = new Random\Randomizer();

// return random integer between two integers
echo $r->getInt(1, 200);
echo bin2hex($r->getBytes(8)), "\n";
$countries = ['usa' => 'united states', 'uk' => 'england', 'fr' => 'france'];

echo $r->shuffleBytes("Hello World!");

Checkout my article here about the random extension.


Dynamic Properties Deprecations

The creation of dynamic properties is deprecated to help avoid mistakes and typos. Consider this class:

class User
    public string $firstname;

$user = new User();
$user->firstname = "John";
$user->lastname = "Doe";        // dynamic property

See here the $lastname property, this is a dynamic property which is not explicitly declared inside the class. Before PHP 8.2 this code is working fine. However in PHP 8.2 it will show a deprecation notice similar to this:

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property User::$lastname is deprecated in ...

To get this to work in PHP 8.2, you have many options: the first is to declare the property (preferred):

class User
    public string $firstname;
    public string $lastname;

The other option is by adding #[\AllowDynamicProperties] attribute to the class:

class User
    public string $firstname;

The magic methods __set()/__get() is not affected by this change.

stdClass still allow dynamic properties

$user = new \stdClass();
$user->name = "John Doe";


New classes and functions


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