If you are looking for a way to display beautiful notifications in your laravel project, this package is for you /laravel-notify.
/laravel-notify package display a nice notification popup after every action you do in laravel controllers. The package notifications for success, errors, warnings and more.
Go to the github repo or run the following command:
composer require mckenziearts/laravel-notify
Register the service provider in config/app.php
. For Laravel versions 5.5 and beyond, this step can be skipped if package auto-discovery is enabled.
'providers' => [ ... Mckenziearts\Notify\LaravelNotifyServiceProvider::class ... ];
Publish the configuration file and assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mckenziearts\Notify\LaravelNotifyServiceProvider"
Finally run this command to reload the composer dependencies:
composer dump-autoload
The config file located at config/notify.php. Here you customize many things. For example you can customize the dark mode to be used by updating the theme
 config, or add global variable NOTIFY_THEME
 on your .env file
'theme' => env('NOTIFY_THEME', 'dark'),
Also you can define custom user presets notifications as shown:
'preset-messages' => [ 'item-created' => [ 'message' => 'The item created successfully.', 'type' => 'success', 'model' => 'connect', 'title' => 'Item Created', ] ],
In your blade template in the head add the styles with:
In the footer add the scripts with:
Then in order to show the notification add the necessary component at the bottom:
For laravel < 7
For laravel >= 7 you can use the tag syntax:
<x:notify-messages />
Example layout.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> @notifyCss </head> <body id="page-top"> @yield('content') @include('notify::messages')    // Laravel 7 or greater    <x:notify-messages /> @notifyJs </body> </html>
A typical scenario to fire the notification:
public function store() { notify()->success('Category created successfully!'); return redirect()->back(); }
Here we are using the helper function notify().
There are many types of notifications:
- toast:
notify()->success('Resource added successfully')
- connectify:
connectify('success', 'Connection Found', 'Success Message Here')
- drakify:
drakify('success') // for success alert or drakify('error') // for error alert
- smilify:
smilify('success', 'You are joined successfully')
- emotify:
emotify('success', 'Item updated with success')
If you want to make a shared notification that you can use across many modules without repetition, you can use a predefined preset in the config file like so:
To override the preset in certain places, pass an array that has the key of the attribute that you want to override:
notify()->preset('item-created', ['title' => 'Product created'])